One Day in the Future

If you’re in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia next Tuesday, you may want to make plans to attend Innovate 2007.

This is a one day conference organized by our state department of education and Virginia Tech (and paid for by Dell and Oracle) to showcase some technologies that may have an impact on the classroom in the next decade.

Modeled after Wired NextFest (another one of those events I’ve always wanted to attend but never quite make it), they plan to have a bunch of interactive exhibits, many of them hands-on, as well as some interesting speakers and discussions.

The program looks pretty cool (“total immersion physics”?, “screen goo”?) and I’ll be blogging as much of it as I can, hopefully with pictures.

In the interest of total disclosure, however, I need to note that the organizers invited me to blog the conference (someone else will be podcasting) and gave me a couple of tickets.

But I was planning to attend and post anyway so the freebies were a nice bonus. Besides, $50 in tickets isn’t nearly enough to bribe me into writing something I didn’t want to say in the first place.

Although the tickets do include lunch, and you know how teachers are when it comes to free food.

innovate07, nextfest, conference