Reversing the Damage

A high school senior in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is leading a fight to repeal a state law that allows science teachers to present creationism and evolution as theories with equal weight.

He seems to have a good grasp on the politics needed to sell the bill.

“The single most important reason why I took on this repeal was jobs,” Kopplin told me. “This law makes it harder for Louisiana students to get cutting-edge science-based jobs after we graduate, because companies like Baton Rouge’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center are not going to trust our science education with this law on the books.”

Although getting support from a bunch of actual experts on the subject may not go over well in an area of the country where anyone with a good education is suspect.

He also won the support of major scientists and national and local organizations in support of the repeal; more than 40 Nobel laureates signed a letter that was just sent to the Louisiana Legislature. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the Louisiana Association of Biology Educators also back Kopplin’s campaign.

Maybe if we had more kids involved in the process of determining education policy, we would have fewer politicians pushing these anti-science, anti-education laws.

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