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Comic Writing

From the morning paper, this is a great commentary on student writing in the 21st century.

The traditional essay that will only be read and evaluated by the teacher seems rather antiquated these days. Maybe if we want kids to learn to write, we should be giving them modern tools and a relevant context.

blog, essay, student writing


  1. Not Quite Grown Up

    That’s a really interesting comic, and I agree with the absurdity of the sentiment. And totally understand it as well. I’m currently writing a paper (slightly longer than 250 words) for one of my classess, and trying to pretend that it is just a couple fairly long blog entries, one after another. Because that seems much easier to acomplish than one paper.

  2. Mark Scardiglia

    What am I missing here? There doesn’t seem to be a link
    in the posting to flesh out what you’re referring to, but
    there’s a comment from someone else, indicating that they
    get it.

  3. Tim

    I’m not sure what the writer had in mind when he created this strip and few of them post explanations to link to.

    However, what I saw in it was a student who saw a 250 word essay for school as hard work but writing far more in her blog as fun.

    It doesn’t take more of a trigger than that to come up with a rant. :-)

  4. Oceanus

    This comic strip is funny! It reminded me of the feelings I had when I returned to school in August 2005 and one of my assignments was to write a 12-15 page research paper for graduate school after being away from school for nearly six years. I ended up with a research paper that was 22 pages long! I underestimated my writing skills despite the length of time since I last wrote a term paper of substance.

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