Are You Following Skittles?

By way of MediaPost comes the story of an interesting change in corporate marketing.

The makers of Skittles, those little rainbow-colored, sort-of-maybe fruit-flavored sugar pills, have abandoned the idea of actually maintaining a web site for the brand.skittles.jpg

Instead all that’s left is a little widget that ties together their article on Wikipedia (now the “home page”) with content from their Facebook page, Twitter feed, flickr photostream, and other references from the social media chatter.

You might think the candy maker is taking a risk by letting the public determine their brand image.

Here’s the message Skittles is sending: What consumers say about the brand is more important than what the brand has to say to consumers. isn’t exactly a top destination online. Compete, Quantcast and Google Trends respectively report the most recent month’s unique visitors as 18,000, 15,000, and too few to track. To paraphrase Kris Kristofferson,’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.

What does it say about social networking when Skittles has more fans on Facebook (nearly 600,000!) than they had monthly visitors to the site?

Probably nothing. Just another odd and interesting piece about the ever-evolving saga of life on the web.