Educators and the Read/Write Web

Today the Boston Globe offered a nice profile of some Massachusetts teachers who are blogging as a way to keep parents informed. Some are also having their students blog as part of their classwork.

While the writer includes a few incidents where some students were abusive to their peers online, at least she doesn’t descend into the scary-web-tales mode often used by other media.

And, of course, they called on Will Richardson for some relevant quotes.

Speaking of Will, he has joined with an interesting collection of other education writers (some of them bloggers) to create Pulse, a new blog for the magazine District Administration.

Although I wouldn’t really call it a blog. It’s more of a regular online series of essays on education. At least the site allow comments.

But I’m not going to quibble over semantics. Anything that helps educate the people running our school systems about the using the web to communicate is a big step forward in my book.

I wonder if the leaders of our overly large school district are reading.

blog, education, school

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