It’s All Good

There really are only two categories of music that matter. There’s good and there’s bad. Everything else is just indexing. Same thing applies to books, movies, curry,… chicken love.* — Hugh Laurie

If you only know Hugh Laurie from his TV role as the wonderfully anti-social Gregory House, spend an hour watching him perform traditional New Orleans blues in this PBS special.

Watch the full episode. See more Great Performances.

Laurie will never be mistaken for one of the greats of the genre, but it’s clear this Englishman understands and loves this very American music. He also gives a very credible, approachable, and most importantly, entertaining performance, especially when at the piano.

And next in my DVR queue is another example of a very American musical performance: Weird Al Yankovic in concert.

Very different genres, very different styles. But it’s all good.

*You’ll have to watch the program to understand that last item.