Inspired by the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Legal Guide for Bloggers, Creative Commons is offering their Podcasting Legal Guide.
The Guide offers some good information (although, they point out on the main page, not legal advice) about fair use of other people’s work, incorporating music into your podcast, legal issues surrounding distribution and much more.
It also features a good section of links to more resources, legal and otherwise.
However, while the contributors seem to have assembled a pretty comprehensive resource for amateur podcasters, there is one glaring problem for most who stumble onto this rantfest.
The section on Special Rules for Librarians and Teachers is pretty skimpy.
The good news is, unlike the EFF’s guide, Creative Commons has put this in the form of a wiki, encouraging users to edit the articles or add their comments. You will have to register using a valid email address to do either.
Maybe some people with a good understanding of how all this relates to educators can beef up that part.
But there is good news for all those who prefer static paper pages. The whole thing comes in pdf format, ready for you to download and kill some trees.