Tomorrow I’ll be heading to Philadelphia for EduCon 2.4 (can it possibly be the fifth?), the best professional development event I attend each year. It’s a small conference but a fully-packed weekend of great conversations and a chance to connect with many members of my PLN, hosted at a truly innovative school.
This year I’ll be part of a panel session with Tim, Tom, Jeff, and Martha* called Building Bridges: Communities of Practice from K-16, in which we’ll be discussing how to improve communication and collaboration between those of us working in K12 schools and our higher education colleagues.
If you’re attending EduCon, please join us Saturday afternoon at 3. If you can’t be in Philly, watch for many ways to participate in both our session and the conference in general, starting by following the #educon hashtag on Twitter. You can also directly be a part of our session by adding your ideas, stories, and comments to our Google Docs page.
And on the topic of conversation starters, Lawrence Summers, former President of Harvard, opened an opinion piece in the New York Times with this interesting observation.
A PARADOX of American higher education is this: The expectations of leading universities do much to define what secondary schools teach, and much to establish a template for what it means to be an educated man or woman. College campuses are seen as the source for the newest thinking and for the generation of new ideas, as society’s cutting edge.
So, is that influence on the high school curriculum a good thing? Are colleges really the source for “newest thinking” or do high schools have some something to contribute? Do public schools exist only to be a farm club for universities?
Anyway, it’s going to be a good discussion and great weekend. Hope you can be part of it.
*Tim, Tim, Tom, Jeff, and Martha: the least feared law firm in the state of Virginia. :-)