Photo Post – Photowalking

On the first Saturday of October, photowalks are held all over the world under the umbrella of KelbyOne, a photo training organization. This year I was the co-leader for a walk from the Rosslyn area of Arlington across the Key Bridge and across the Georgetown waterfront.

It was a fun morning and below are a few of my favorite shots from the walk. More are in this gallery and for another perspective, check out the set from my co-leader Kathy. Her image are probably better.

Georgetown Waterfront

The Georgetown waterfront, looking across the Potomac River from the Rosslyn side of the Key Bridge.

Crew 2

Most Saturday mornings in good weather (and sometimes bad), you can watch college and high school crew teams practicing on the Potomac between the Kennedy Center and the Key Bridge.


Looking down at the strangely green water in the C&O Canal in Georgetown. The color and the chair caught my eye.


Detail of a sculpture called Scarlet on the Georgetown waterfront. Looks like a collection of stuff that washed up from the River to me.

Photo Post

Last Friday here in the DC area, we had an unusually warm winter day after several weeks of freezing weather. That plus some rain produced some amazing fog on the Potomac River. Below are some photos taken from the waterfront in Alexandria. More are in this collection and in this one by Kathy, my friend and photo partner.

Iced In

A row of boats caught in the Potomac River ice at the Alexandria marina.


Ducks in the water and gulls standing on the ice.


The MGM Grand hotel and casino seen through the fog from the Alexandria waterfront.


The Woodrow Wilson bridge shrouded in fog.

Picture Post #6

With unusually warm December weather around here, our photowalk through Old Town Alexandria was a very nice afternoon. The Smithsonian session focused on historical breweries that date from the early colonial period of the city. A few shots with the rest of the album from the walk here.

Playing on the Street

This young man was having such a good time playing on the brick sidewalk, he didn’t want to leave.

Leaning House

This colonial-era townhome was built on the infill used to extend the Alexandria harbor into the Potomac river. It’s now just a little off kilter and I’d love to see what it’s like inside.

Good Doggie

The skeleton of a dog (with appropriate seasonal head gear) on display in the Alexandria Archeology Museum and found during one of the many excavations in the city.


Sunset with a few clouds behind the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.